Paxton Cat ACN 082 293 221 Phone 08 8358 3188 Fax 08 8358 0378 MyABCD order form To register MyABCD 1. Complete the form below. 2. Fax or post the form to Paxton Cat. 3. Paxton Cat will email a registration code for MyABCD To order MyABCD on CD-Rom 1. Complete the form below. 2. Fax or post the form to Paxton Cat. 3. Paxton Cat will ship your CD-Rom. Name__________________________________________________ Email_________________________________________________ Street Address________________________________________ City__________________State__________Postcode_________ I wish to order (select) MyABCD registered edition [ ] $15 MyABCD on CD-Rom inc. P/H [ ] $30 Charge my credit card [ ] Cheque enclosed [ ] Mastercard [ ] Bankcard [ ] Visa [ ] Name on card__________________________________________ Card number___________________________________________ Exp Date_____________Signature________________________ Send Cheques to.. Postal Address PO Box 37, Brighton, Adelaide, South Australia, 5048